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Fall of Immortals

Xauldin, Merciless Chaos

Xara, The Huntress

Leonidas, Son of Sparta

Odysseus, The Clever

Xanatos, The Religare

Xanatos, The Religare

Magnus, Unchained

Hektor, The Tamer of Forces

The Imperial Maidens of Selva

Princess Estel, of Atlantis

Estel, Daughter of Triton

Lady Melita, of Varjus

Melita, Daughter of Ambrogio

Princess Shumani, of Lupus Magna

Shumani, Daughter of Odolf

Lady Melita, In the Blood Garden of the Dark Cathedral

Estel, Star of The Sea

Princess Shumani, In The Sparring Circle

Koregiem, Supreme Ruler of Eythrope

The Omnisphere of Korgeim

Nakti, The Chronicle Architect

The Acolytes of Dawn

Deimuk, The Mage Knight

Deimuk, Acolyte Commander

Mansa, Arch Mage of Eythrope

Mansa, Prince of Eythrope

Nefetari, Conduit of The Arch Mage

Nefetari, Sprite Form

Kwasi, The Cleaver

Kwasi, Third Acolyte of Dawn

Aloom, The Onyx Ox

Aloom, Fifth Acolyte of Dawn

Xamir, Acolyte of Dawn, Second Grade

Xamir, Acolyte of Dawn II

Amina, Priestess to The Omni-King

Amina, Consort of Korgeim

Akan, The Midori Slasher

Akan, Fourth Acolyte of Dawn

Taharc, The Twin Flash

Taharc, Seventh Acolyte of Dawn

Zoriah, The Dagger Maiden

Zoriah, Korgeim's Assassin

Idris, The Valiant

Idris, Ninth Acolyte of Dawn

Xemnus, A Late Knight

Pride Forest, The Night 12 Immortals Fell

The Divine Tree of The Mahess Tribes

Coven Citadel, In The Valley of The Magus

The Grand Magus In Her Study, Xara's Hunt

Cassandra, Initiate of the Citadel

The Coveted Cyclops Eye

Zeus, Ruler of The Highest Heaven

Lord Mercury, Herald of Zeus

Athena, Goddess of Wisdom and Warfare

Apollo, God of Archery, Art, and Music

Apollo, God of The Sun

Hestia, Goddess of Hearth and Home

Demeter, Goddess of the Grain

Hera, Queen of the Sky and Goddess of Marriage

Artemis, Goddess of The Hunt

Artemis, Goddess of The Moon

Artemis, Princess of Olympus

Vulcan, God of Fire and Crafts

Aphrodite, Goddess of Love and Lust

Ares, God of Battlelust and Brutal Warfare

Zagreus, Champion of Olympus

The Manticore

Tithorea, Nymph of the Forest

Zagreus, I Bless You With Ill Intent

Triton Balin, King of Atlantis

Callon, Elf Lord of Atlantis

Queen Celaeno, Lady of The Tide

Princess Estel, Star of the Sea

Lovi, King of Selva

Elu, Queen of Selva

Darwin, Head Councilman of Xanadu

General Balthor, After Lovi's Truth

Lord Jarden, Pracepto Legume

The Order of Selvan Knights

Xauldin, Vice Regent of Selva

Xanatos, The Grand Inquisitor

Xara, The Left Hand of Chaos

Magnus, Warmaster of the Selvan Empire

Leonidas, General of the Selvan Infantry

Hektor, General of the Selvan Infantry

Odysseus, General of the Selvan Infantry

Waldren, Xinobi of Demolition

Tarai, Xinobi of Speed

Melian, Xinobi of Discord

Xemnus, The Blue Beast of Pagulane

Lendave Paike, First Emergence

Norvick, King of Dalston

Bartholomew, Master At Arms

Lord Marcus, Baron of Dalston

Princess Elene

Lord Ortsac, of The Havanna Republicans

Bartholomew's Last Stand, Dalston

Deneveria, Capital of Loe Corum

Tark Valik, Viceroy of Loe Corum

Councilors of the Loe Corum Republic

Lord Phileas

Lord Minos

Lady Priscilla

Lord Salatar

Poeg Tyr, Gaulic Chieftain

Poeg's Iron Blade, Feast of The Horde

Poeg, Son of Tyr

Kawakami Temple

The Old Master of the Mountain

The Kawakami Clan

The Kingdom of Camelot

King Arthur Pendragon, of Camelot

Merlin, Court Mage of Camelot

Vernandi Filia, Island of the Amazons

Delphi, Queen of the Amazons

Amazon Initiate

Skora, Centurion of Vernandi Filia

Veronica, Centurion of Vernandi Filia

Xauldin, War King of the Selvan Empire

Ambrogio, Exalted Elder of Varjus

Odolf, Alpha of Lupus Magna

The Dark Cathedral of Varjus

Lupus Magna, The Lycanthrope Capital

Xanadu, From The Dark Continent

The Colosseum of Xanadu

Dalston City, From The Palace Center

The Warden's Tower, Bastia

The Market City Harbor, Bastia

The Theatrum of Dalston

The Grasslands of Loe Corum

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